Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bye, bye Melbourne

Well, its happening this week. And boy has it crept up on me! I'm moving! Yep! Bye, bye Melbourne... and hello country Victoria! A tree change away from the hustle and bustle of the city suburbs, to fresh country air! Can't wait!
But of course, since all my jewellery making bits and bobs will be packed away for a little while I've had to close my etsy and madeit stores. I'm hoping that once I set up internet access again I'll be right to reopen mid to late May. I also look forward to getting involved in the local markets and having a stall monthly or something. Will also be on the lookout for some funky country stores who might be interested in stocking my stuff. Ahh, its all exciting! I just have to get through this stressful the packing and moving stage first!!

See you all on the flipside :)


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